Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day Trip to Misquamicut and Watch Hill

The day started out with Paul and I doing an errand to pick up a little crib at his uncle's house that has been in Paul's family for generations. Paul's grandfather (his mother's father) slept in this crib. When Kristen was born, Priscilla got it out of her attic and Paul had it stripped and then painted it. Priscilla got a new mattress and had a pretty yellow skirt and pillow made. Both Kristen and Mark used this little crib. It is small, about the size of a cradle, so they weren't in it very long. This is Kristen in 1972 in the little crib.

When Paul's cousin had his first child he borrowed it, and it has been with him since his second child was born (about 8 years). When Marley was born, they lived in Ohio and it wasn't practical to get it out there. We wanted to use it for Mark and Janelle's baby, so today we went down to his aunt and uncle's to get it. They live in Connecticut. They were at their house at the Cape, but they left it out for us. This is their house.

So...Paul's Uncle's house is not that far from Misquamicut and we planned to make a day of it and go there and to Watch Hill. It is very nostalgic for Paul and I. We used to go there a lot when we were dating. I used to go to Misquamicut with my friend Cheryl in high school and we always stopped at Watch Hill and had ice tea and french fries in the Olympia Tea Room. By the way, it hasn't changed in all these years, except I think it has gotten more expensive, and doesn't even have french fries any more. Also, the summer I turned 16, we went with my cousin's family to Misquamicut and stayed in a cottage on Lawton St. We found it today and took a picture of it. It hasn't changed much. This is the cottage.

We drove around the beach for awhile. These are some pictures of around Misquamicut.

Then we headed down to Watch Hill. It was such a beautiful day, not too hot. We had lunch outside at a little deli and then walked around the main street. These are some pictures from Watch Hill.

Before we headed home, we took one more drive down to Misquamicut and got out at the state beach. It looked like a storm was heading in. It got really windy and quite cool. I took some pictures of the beach but it was almost too cold to stay out there. These are pictures from the state beach.

What a fun little vacation day!


JANCIE said...


doreen said...

Great pictures. As long as I lived on the East coast I never went to Misquamicut as we are not beach people but it looks peaceful. You guys have so much great family history. Glad you are keeping it going. But I would expect nothing less from you. Miss the Noble crew.

Judy said...

Loved seeing the day you picked up the crib. Sorry that we were at the Cape house and didn't get to see you both. I was so happy to see some of your great adventures of the day.