Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blogging on the go

This blog is really a test. Our day today got totally rearranged. Paul spent most of last night and a lot of today installing a wireless router on our computer. My plan, eventually, is to get either the new iPad or, more probably a netbook. Kristen let me borrow her netbook so I could try it out. Late this afternoon we took a ride just so I could take a picture and try to download it onto this netbook and try posting a blog.

We ended up at the old Westover Air Force Base. When Paul and I were growing up in old Bethany (it was in Springfield almost to the Chicopee line) there were always a lot of Westover families. Paul actually spent time with some airmen at the base as a teenager. Westover is a lot smaller now, but some of the old hangers and old base housing is still there. We came across a place where we could take a picture of the huge planes, C5 Galaxies.

So, even though this was supposed to be a test post, I think these pictures are neat!


Linda L said...

Hey Deb. You should have gone down James St. in Chicopee. If I am not mistaken The Castle of Knights is right on the corner of James St. It is one of the roads that lead into the base. Nicks Barber Shop is down that St. That is where Tim works for Emilio. You could have stopped in and said hello.

Debbie said...

I actually saw Nicks Barber shop as we were driving by and wondered if that was Emilio's shop. Paul and I were talking a lot about Westover people, the Painter family, Therren Lord (remember how cute he was?)and Jack something. Remember Cliff May? Who did Jack give a diamond to? Paul couldn't remember.

Linda L said...

Deb, where in the world did that 3rd post come from about casinos and gambling and such ????? The Jack you were talking about was Jack Cates. He kind of hung around with Theron. I tried a couple times to find Theron on the Internet but didn't have any luck. It would be fun to be able to chat with him after all these years. THE DIAMOND RING..lolol I know there were many girls that were "smitten" by him and accepted it....I think I even wore it for a couple days..LOL He picked me up after school and brought me home for awhile in that aqua and white 57 chevy with the black stripes on the white fins in the back. MY MY MY...those were the days. All the good looking guys in uniform. And if they had a "southern accent FORGET IT, WE WERE GONNERS !!! LOLOL