Sunday, April 7, 2013

Red Bucket Sugar Shack

We took our annual trek to the Red Bucket Sugar Shack in Worthington today.  What a great place.  Mason is fascinated by the fact that there is a tree in the middle of the restaurant with a table around it.  The table is too small for all of us, but one year when there were only a few of us we actually sat there. 

Marley, Big Baba and Baba in March 2006

We all had a great breakfast (except Mason.  He smelled the pancakes and said he didn't like the smell and wouldn't eat any!). 

Kristen wanted me to take a few pictures of the new hat and scarf that she just finished for Marley.

Here are a few more pictures.  I love coming here; and it makes a good backdrop for pictures!

Toby is looking for mica in the rocks


Eliza J said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun. Good to see everyone in these pictures ~ the kids are growing! Love the hat and scarf.

Linda said...

Wow Deb. Mason certainly does have a sensitive Nose. lol Maybe Katie smelled like pancakes, huh? lolol