Thursday, March 13, 2014

Throwback Thursday - Our Backyard in 1974

I was looking through some of my old pictures trying to pick out something for this post and I was amazed at our backyard in 1974. The people who live behind us, Jack and Judy, have, over the years, planted so much that it almost seems like a park behind us. In this picture, though, you can still see the other side of our circle.

The swing set was my old swing set that was still in my grandmother's back yard in the early '70's. Our friends Ralph and Linda took it to their house, cleaned it up and painted it, used it for awhile and then gave it back to us when we got a house.

Kristen was almost 2 in this picture. Isn't she cute?


Linda said...

OH MY GOODNESS....I didn't even remember that Deb. And...what an amazing difference in the back yard.

Janice said...

When I quickly glanced at the picture I thought immediately of Aunt Dot. Don't you think she looks like her?