Thursday, October 13, 2016

October 2016 Scrapbook Pages

Paul and I had such a nice time visiting with family at his cousin Becky's daughter's wedding in Pennsylvania.

The day after the wedding we took a tour of my great-grandfather, William Ross Higgins' home/mansion.  The present owner, who is a billionaire, was so gracious to give us a tour and to tell us what he knew of this house.  After the tour, we drove to downtown Philadelphia to find the Widener Building my great-grandfather worked for Aetna Insurance Company.

Paul, Marley and I took our annual trek to Gordon College.  Usually we go on Columbus Day but since Paul and I were in Lancaster then, we went a couple of weeks later.  As usual, we left Baba to his own devices and Marley and I went off on our own.  We also took our annual Baba and Marley Zoo picture (Baba told Marley that colleges are a little like zoos, so it was okay, lol).

Since we never made it to the Daisy/Prim rally day this October, we had a tea party for the Daisys, Prims, and their moms in the Prims' classroom.  It was a lot of fun and the girls loved it!

This year, unfortunately, we were not able to fit into everyone's schedule a trip to the Westview Creamery, aka the pumpkin patch.  This didn't stop us from buying pumpkins and carving them though.  This was Miriam's first year joining in on the fun.  She decorated her pumpkin (and also her hands and arms)!

Halloween, for the second year, was at Mark and Janelle's house.  This year Mason had some friends (and their moms) from school over for pizza and trick or treating.  I handed out candy again, this time a little more prepared for all of the kids in that neighborhood.  

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