Friday, May 11, 2018

Rest in Peace, Zeuss

Zeuss was my Aunt Dot's cat.  She got him in May of 2003.  She always said they were a good match for each other because Zeuss had long legs!

He really was a nice cat.

Marley was almost three when Dot got Zeuss.  We are a family of cat lovers.

In Dot's later years, before she went to the Atrium, Zeuss was a little hard for her to handle.  He was always trying to get out, and Dot would have to chase after him.  One day when we got to her house to take her grocery shopping she was all upset because Zeuss had gotten out.  She said that was it, he was gone and she wasn't going to try to find him.  I told her he would eventually come home when he was hungry.

Guess who was waiting for us when we got home?

One of the things I felt the worst about when Dot went to the Atrium was Zeuss.  I knew how much she loved that cat, and so did we.  Paul and I couldn't take him because we already had two cats.  Kris and Toby had a cat (and Toby is allergic to cats), and so did Mark and Janelle.

My friend Barbara at work, who is also a cat lover, offered to take him.  I was so relieved.  She had him for 7 years!

Barbara called me this morning to tell me that Zeuss passed away today.  I can't tell you how sad that made me.  All the guilt of taking him away from Dot came rushing back.  She spent her last 7 years without him.  I know it's silly to think that way; we did what we had to do, but pets are such a part of our family.

I'm so grateful to Barbara for taking him, and I know she loved him too.

Maybe Zeuss is up in Heaven with Dot now.  It makes me feel good to think so.

RIP Zeuss.

1 comment:

Liz J said...

I remember....and believe Zeuss is with Dot.