Friday, November 14, 2008

A Bee Update By Paul

After vacuuming about a thousand bees (no kidding) as they came and left, I finally sealed up the natural hole in the siding. Then, for a few days, we had a few bees a day find their way through our bow window. They were not aggressive and Izzy would point them out to us. Oddly, she never attacked them or got stung. It's been a few weeks now with no sign of them. Either I licked them or there are several thousand bees silently drilling into our house and some morning we will be invaded. I never did find where the nest was. Most people just call an exterminator, but once the war started, I wasn't about to give up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a warrior. It will get cold and I think if they are in there they will wait to warm weather to attack, so you have time to plan. Love your blog