Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Prims Make Snowmen On A Stick

Tonight in Prims we made Snowmen on a Stick. The kids loved it! Most of them made one to eat, and another to take home.

Snowman on a Stick

These banana-based snowmen are decidedly more tropical than the frosty variety, and kids can assemble their own if you prepare the fruit for them.

Bamboo skewers
Mini chocolate chips
Pretzel sticks

For each snowman, you will need three thick slices of banana, a grape, a sliver of carrot, and a triangular piece of apple. (Tip: Poke a hole in the apple piece with a bamboo skewer first to make assembly easier.)

Have your kids slide the fruit onto the skewer, then use the carrot slivers for noses, mini chocolate chips for eyes and buttons, and pretzel sticks for arms.

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