Sunday, May 9, 2010

Paul's 60th birthday and Mother's Day

What a nice day we had. We went to Lido's for dinner and then back home for birthday cake. I felt bad for Janelle though. This was her first Mother's Day and also the first time Mason was sick. He went to the doctor in the morning and was diagnosed with croup! He was so good all day, and especially at the restaurant (not like his father who went to Lido's one time as a baby and then not again for years!!!) You could tell he wasn't up to par, but he was so good.

Mark and Janelle surprised Paul with a navigation system for our new car. He spent the rest of the day playing with it. Kristen gave us each a pair of socks that she knit (I now have 10 pairs).

Kristen also gave me a really neat gift. It is an old Nancy Drew book made into a journal. They left the first few pages of the book (I even have this book) and then the rest of the book is blank pages. So cool. She went to the Twist Craft Fair in Northampton and there was a booth that did lots of neat things with old books.

Marley made a treasure hunt for Kristen. She is so imaginative!

Our good friends Ralph and Linda stopped over to help celebrate the day. So...for a few months I get to be in my 50's while Paul is in his 60's. Sweet.

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