Sunday, May 8, 2011


Today we celebrated Paul’s birthday and Mother’s Day. Janelle’s mom came and we had a cookout at our house.

After church, while I was getting ready for dinner, Marley was outside picking dandelions and violets. She made a crown for the queen of the day, and a scepter for the king. She has quite an imagination. She, herself, wore a band of dandelion stems and violets.

Before the birthday and Mother’s Day celebration Marley had everyone write their names on a piece of paper and then picked names; Stacia was the queen, and Mark was the king.

Stacia and I have a nice little agreement. When dinner is at my house she brings desserts, and vice versa. She didn’t know it was Paul’s birthday until that morning, so we used the slices of pound cake that she brought for his birthday cake. Marley lit the candle and we turned off the lights. She brought in the slice of cake from the kitchen and we all sang happy birthday. In this picture, the only one I took, Paul's hand is in front of his piece of cake, so you can only see part of the candle sticking up.

We had quite the time getting a picture of the mothers and kids today. Mason isn’t always cooperative with picture taking, so this is the best that we could do.

It was a fun day spent with family. I’m so thankful for all of them.

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