Saturday, May 21, 2011

Today was quite a busy day!

First, a bridal shower for my co-worker's son's fiancee. It was at Westwood Restaurant in Westfield. Bridal showers are always a fun time.

Then, Janelle, Kris and I had our yearly Mother's Day pedicure. We now have summer ready toes (if we ever get any warm weather to actually let our toes show!).

But, the best part of the day was that Marley FINALLY learned to ride her bike. Just a little FYI, Marley has had almost no interest in riding a bike. Every summer we get her bike out, she tries a few times and then gives up, seemingly not really caring. We all figured when she really wanted to ride it, she would. And that is what happened today. I'm not sure what triggered it, except for the fact that Mason is absolutely enthralled with Paul's bike and tonight I let him sit on it. Marley asked Paul to get her bike out and then for the next couple of hours she tried to ride it. She was determined! My neighbors must have thought that Paul and I had lost our minds. I was babysitting for both Marley and Mason, so there we were out in front of my house, Mason and Paul eating pizza at the end of the driveway and me taking pictures and videos and cheering Marley on.

She took some good falls, skinning her knees, elbows, hands, but she kept getting back on. By the end of the night she and Paul were riding their bikes around the circle. She was so proud of herself and couldn't wait to call her parents.

As I said, quite a busy day!


Linda L said...

LOLO...I am trying to figure out whos toes are whos. I am guessing yours are on the right, Deb ??

Debbie said...

Good guess, but Janelle is on the left, I'm in the middle, and Kristen is on the right!