Sunday, September 6, 2009

249/365 - Discovery adventure LL Bean S. Windsor

This afternoon (no family was around today) we went back to LL Bean in S. Windsor because I decided that I need a half size bigger in the sneakers that I bought the day before. When we got there, LL Bean's Discovery bus was just leaving the store. They have Discovery adventures that they take people out on. We actually went to a kayaking one in Maine when we first bought our kayaks. They took us out in the ocean and gave us kayaking lessons. It was fun. Anyhow, I was wondering what kind of adventures they had from the Connecticut store. They had two going on, one was kayaking and the other fly fishing. Paul asked where they go for kayaking and they said Union Pond. We found out where Union Pond was and took a ride out to find it. It is a really cute park called Union Pond Park in Manchester, CT. We will definitely put it on our list of places to kayak.

1 comment:

doreen said...

What a relaxing picture.