Thursday, July 16, 2009

Throwback Thursday - Steiger's and Forbes Department Store

These are pictures of Albert Steiger and Forbes & Wallace taken from a 1950 phone book at the Connecticut Valley Historical Museum at the Quadrangle in Springfield. Steiger's and Forbes were favorite places to shop when I was young. Dot and I used to go downtown on Thursday nights for her to shop. I could never understand how she could try so many things on and buy nothing. Now I completely understand. My high school friend Cheryl Walker and I use to spend so much time downtown, mostly window shopping (although she had quite a clothes allowance, so she did more actual shopping).


Linda L. said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I remember going "downtown", on the bus, to Steigers and Forbes. It was such a treat. When you walked in to each of those stores you were just in "AWE". It was SO HUGE and there was a certain smell even. And I always wondered what the "bell" was. I think it had something to do with the elevator but then it was a sound that was just part of the "AWE" of those stores. There NEVER was again a store like Steigers and Forbes and Wallace.

August 14, 2009 11:45 PM

Linda L. said...

WOW I had forgotten about there being 6 floors

August 14, 2009 11:48 PM

Debbie said...

I forgot about the "bell" but I think it was almost like a paging system for employees< I'm not sure though.

My friend Cheryl worked in "Lingerie" for awhile. I thought she was so lucky to have such wonderful "underwear" Ha, Ha.

August 15, 2009 12:18 AM

Anonymous said...

Great memories of downtown Steiger's. Having breakfast with santa, then going to the 3rd floor to talk to the talking CHristmas tree.
When older having lunch in the tea room, the chicken croquetts were the best! Going to the "bargin basement", finding great deals on dresses.
Nothing comes close to Steiger's today!!!!