Monday, July 30, 2012

Uncle Bob's Coronation Service

Last Thursday Paul and I went to Delaware for my Uncle Bob's funeral.  It was a wonderful tribute to his life. Many memories were shared along with laughter and tears. He really was one of a kind.

Someone set up a website at Zion Bible College for his former students to share their "Memories of Dr. Lundstrom." They are in the process of being printed off; several of them were brought to the funeral. They eventually will all be contained in a notebook and given to my aunt. So many funny and wonderful stories.

It was good to see family again. I know seeing family and friends made the day a little bit easier for my Aunt Ettie.


Linda L said...

How AWESOME that it was a Sunday !!!!

Eliza J said...

I remember you talking about him. So sorry he is gone, but what a life "well lived".