Thursday, October 11, 2012

Throwback Thursday - Visiting Gordon College with Marley

On Monday Paul, Marley and I took a ride to Gordon College in Wenham, MA. Awhile ago Marley and I were talking about where her mother and Uncle Mark went to college. I asked her if she would like to visit there some day. Homecoming at the college was Columbus Day weekend, Marley had the day off from school, and I thought it would be fun to go there today

Paul and I hadn't been there since Mark graduated in 1998. There were a lot of changes, but there were many things that were the same. 

Kristen went to Gordon in 1990.  Lewis Hall was her dorm for the four years that she was there.

Kristen and her roommate for the first two years, Mearlene

Marley and I went in the dorm, walked up the stairs to the dorm rooms and peeked into the hallway.

Mark went to Gordon in 1992.  This was his first dorm, Ferrin Hall. 

Kristen walking to Mark's room

Kristen and Mark in his first dorm room.

Ferrin Hall looks pretty much the same.

What a fun day.  It was very nostalgic for Paul and me.  Marley was very impressed with the campus and thinks she would like to go there.  As much as I hate to see her grow up, I would love to see her go to Gordon.  It really is a special place.  I felt the same way about it today as I did the first time I went there in 1990. 

When we got home, Paul found an old list that he had kept of all of our visits to Gordon - 87 trips in eight years.  Good memories.

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