Monday, July 26, 2010

207/365 - Vacation, 1st Blue Ridge Parkway and Trip down South 2011 - Day 2

The big news today was this little bear. He was eating berries in the brush beside the road. Paul spotted him as we drove by and backed the car up. He was small, about a year old. He really didn't care that we were just a few feet away watching him.

This is where we spent the day today. It is a 105 mile stretch leading up to the Blue Ridge Parkway.

The views here were absolutely beautiful.

Today was a perfect day, sunny, 80's in the mountains and not humid!

We are staying in Charlottsville,VA tonight and tomorrow we are heading to the Walton Museum. I bet you can't wait to see those pictures - LOL!


Linda L said...

BEAUTIFUL pictures, Deb. Thanks for taking us on your trip with

**MIGNONNE** said...

I love all the pictures but how cool is it to see a bear!?! Way too cute.