Thursday, July 7, 2011

Vacation, 2nd Blue Ridge Parkway and Trip down South 2011 - Day 6

Today we had planned to spend the afternoon at the Blue Ridge Parkway Music Center. They have local musicians that play from 1-4. What a fun time. When we got there there were three people playing; one on the banjo, one on fiddle, and the guy playing guitar had a Blue Ridge Parkway uniform on which I thought was a little strange.

Come to find out, one of the people in the group that was scheduled had had his appendix out so they called in someone last minute and two people that worked there helped out for part of the time. The girl on the fiddle was actually the music director. We really enjoyed it. We were there until it closed at 5 and still didn't see everything. On Saturday night they are having a big outdoor concert that I would love to go to; maybe on our way back.

When we left we were starving. Guess what Paul wanted? Actually, we decided to try the BBQ that we couldn't find last night but I decided that I couldn't take any more BBQ. So when we walked into the restaurant and I saw this sign, I thought...pork chops, that sounds good.

When the waitress brought it, I looked at it and said, "Is that a pork chop?" She said, "That is a pork chop." It was a FRIED pork chip. Not pan seared; deep fried. Yikes. That is a taste I have not developed. Luckily Paul ate it and shared his beef brisket. They eat weird down here!

As we were leaving the restaurant which was in downtown Galax loud sirens went off. At first I thought it was a fire truck or ambulance, but it was much louder, like on a loudspeaker. No firetruck or ambulance came. Then I thought it was a tornado warning system, as we had heard thunder when we left the restaurant. It kept going. Paul just started to drive off. I was incredulous. I told him we had to find out what that siren was, especially since we were headed back up into the mountains. There's no where to hide from a tornado up there! He finally called the Police Department and they said that a fire call had come in and the siren was to alert people that fire trucks were coming through. Yikes! That was another weird thing.

We got back on the Parkway but didn't get too far when we came to a Road Closed sign.

Back down the mountain, but the good thing is that we were close to a motel that we had stayed at in Wilkesboro last year, a really nice motel, The Addison. Back on the road tomorrow.

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