Sunday, September 19, 2010

262/365 - Presentation

Tonight in church Marley was presented by Pastor Chuck (the Children's Pastor) and her 3rd grade Sunday School teachers the 5 lb. Hershey's candy bar that she won in her Sunday School Class a few weeks ago. Go here to read about it. I brought my camera to church fully intending to take a picture of the presentation. Little did I know that her Sunday School teachers were going to asked Marley's parents and grandparents to come up on the pulpit with her. Miss Sandy talked about how much work went into the contest; what had to be memorized. I was happy about that because it really was a lot of work and Marley did a great job. Tonight She recited the Lord's Prayer in front of the whole church (which must have been scary) and she did it perfectly. We were very proud of her and after church we all went to Friendly's, even Big Baba.

So... I didn't get a picture of the actual presentation, but I did get this picture. I think she looks excited and happy. Good job Marley!!

On a different note, this afternoon Marley asked me if I had any hiking shoes. Next Tuesday she is going hiking with her class at school. I showed her some shoes that I had that might work and would you believe they fit. She is the same size shoe as me. I told her to wear them around that afternoon to make sure they were comfortable. She couldn't imagine why we wouldn't let her wear them to church that night. At 9, fashion sense hasn't arrived for her yet I guess.

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