Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Snowmen chaos in Prims

Oh my goodness. Who would have thought that 11 little 7-8 year old girls would have such trouble making a Snowman On a Stick. "Miss Debbie, my bananas are melting." "Miss Debbie, I just stuck my finger with the stick." "Miss Debbie, the pretzels won't stay in the bananas." Miss Debbie, can I eat the bananas?" "Miss Debbie, can you help me?" Miss Debbie, Miss Debbie, Miss Debbie.........Yikes. We did this two years ago and I don't remember so much trouble.

In the end, most of the snowmen made it to at least be eaten.

I knew I hated crafts...even edible ones!


Linda L said...

Miss Debbie, could it seem like a lot more trouble this year because YOU are two years older now ????....lolol

Debbie said...

I think you might be right, LOL!