Monday, April 16, 2012

Connecticut Science Center

This week is Marley's Spring vacation and Paul and I took her to the Connecticut Science Center. Kris and Toby bought a year's membership last August and since that time we have been meaning to go back.

We have been there twice and it has always been SO crowded. Today it wasn't, and it seemed nice not to have to wait in lines to see the exhibits.

Paul and Marley went into a wind machine that simulated hurricane winds.

The traveling exhibit was Dinosaurs Unearthed.

This cube was really hard to put together; we watched several people try. Guess who did it?

The view from the top floor is unbelievable.

We saw a 3D movie about tornadoes. Quite apropos for this year's weather!

But....I still think her favorite thing to do is this water room. She could stay here for hours.

Later, I learned that Hartford broke a weather record at 92 degrees today. I'm sure glad the science center was air conditioned!

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