Tuesday, August 10, 2010

222/365 - Young Lucy (Throwback Thursday early)

I have so many pictures. I am thinking that on some days, when nothing much interesting is happening, that I will start with the oldest photo albums and blog a picture. Just every once in awhile.

This picture is of my grandmother Lucy, my Dad's mother. She is the one on your right. I have no idea who the other girl is, where this was taken, whose car that was, or what year it is. It is probably in the 1920's because my grandmother was born in 1901 and she looks to be in her 20's, maybe. I wish I had taken the time to look at these pictures with her and written down the who, what, where, when and why. At least I have the pictures.


Liz J said...

Great picture ~ look at those telephone poles in the background too! Can't imagine life back then...They look happy ~ definitely a treasured moment at a difficult time. What a treasure.

Linda L said...

Deb, she reminds me a lot of Esther. Do you think that Dot might have some idea who the other girl is?? Maybe from having seen it before?????

Debbie said...

Linda, I could ask her. She remembers the past way better than the present!!