Monday, August 16, 2010

228/365 - Mason in Marley's little chair

Janelle brought Mason and Marley (she watches her on Mondays) over for a little visit today. Mason is starting to like Marley's little chair.

The story of the little chair - We went to a get together at a friend's house and there was a little chair there that Marley just loved. To make a long story short, Paul and I went to Irasburg VT to a craft fair where the man who made this little chair was selling them (he had been at the Enfield Mall a month earlier but we missed him).

She loved it and the chair has been in my kitchen ever since. Now Mason is taking an interest in it.

July 2002 - Marley the same age that Mason is now.

1 comment:

Linda L said...

Can you believe how BIG she has gotten? WHERE has the time gone ????