Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ferncol Fair with Marley

Hot and humid was today's weather for the Ferncol Fair. Paul, Marley and I met Big Baba and his cousin Robert there. Robert doesn't live on the Templeton grounds anymore where they hold the fair every year. The State has been making some changes transitioning from large institutions to group homes and Robert now lives in a brand new group home not too far away.

There was an Indian Pow Wow there that Marley and I spent a long time at.

We watched the oxen pull,

and took our traditional tour of the dairy barn,

went on a hayride and walked through the corn maze.

Next year I hope we can do a little more with Robert. His aide didn't bring his wheelchair, only his walker, and it was a real slow go to get anywhere with him. Baba and Big Baba basically visited with him in one place while Marley and I did the fair. Hopefully next year he'll have his wheelchair with him and we can all do a little more together.

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