Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mason and grandma at the hairdresser's

Tonight I had a hairdressing appointment. We have taken Mason with us before since Mark has been in school and he is fine there. He is still not feeling well with this cold and tonight he was very clingy. He didn't want to sit with Baba so he sat on my lap while I was getting my hair washed (Paul took this picture and I can't believe I'm sharing this). He eventually did go sit with Baba during the cutting and coloring part.

I don't like him being sick, but it is nice to have him be cuddly. He is usually to busy for that!

On another note, I cleaned at Kris and Toby's today and took this picture of Sunny sitting on the couch. He had to go to the vet this week. He had a "thing" on his stomach that looked like it was growing. Marley was so nervous that it was something bad. I guess we all were. The vet said that it had been a little wound that he was "too aggressively" licking and that it should be fine. Thank goodness. We love you Sunny Man.

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