Monday, January 12, 2009

12/365 - Yoga

One of my New Year's resolutions is to get into some sort of shape. Who knew a person could be so "stiff". Actually, in the beginning of November Paul and I started walking in the morning before work. I really liked it. Then Thanksgiving happened, bad weather (aka snow, ice = potential falling) coupled with it being too dark in the morning to see the ice. So, last week I started doing Yoga again. This DVD has three workout levels. So far I can do 1/3 of the lowest level. How did I get so deconditioned??? Anyhow, until it gets lighter in the morning so that I can at least see the ice, Yoga will have to do.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Deb I am impressed. If I got into the position this woman is in I would probably have two broken wrists and wouldn't be able to straighten

Linda L.

Doreen said...

I know we have no ice but when you stop it is hard to start back I rode my bike to work then Ken bought me an eliptical. Haven't used it much but Ken and I started walking the block at night. Something is better than nothing.