Friday, January 23, 2009

23/365 - Izzy watching Horton Hears a Who

This is hysterical. Remember when I told you about Izzy (my cat) watching her video for cats? (Debbie's Blog, December 17, 2008). Well, every time she even hears the VCR start-up noise she comes running, thinking it's her video. Tonight, Marley brought over a DVD, Horton Hears a Who. It had a lot of animals in it with bright colors, and Izzy came to watch. We put her stool up in front of the TV and she stayed there quite awhile watching the movie. It was so funny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a very smart Today when I was at Tim & Terry's picking the kids up after school, they had the TV on and some dogs on the TV started barking and Ginger, TnT's dog ran up to the screen watching the dogs. They certainly are NOT dumb animals.
Linda L.