Tuesday, January 27, 2009

27/365 - Marley's historical timeline

The paper came home from Marley's school saying:

Dear Parents,
As part of our Social Studies curriculum, the students will be learning how to use a historical timeline. I thought it would be fun for your child to work on a project with you at home and maybe find out some things that they may have never known about themselves!

The timeline must consist of the following:
1. Start with the year your child was born.
2. Put at least 5 important events that have happened in your child's life.
(Example: When you child was born, started school, moved to a different neighborhood)
3. Put the events in chronological order.

I really want this to be fun for your family so I am flexible about how you want to do this. (Add pictures, stories, etc.) Have fun! If you have any questions don't hesitate to call.

All timelines will be due on Friday, January 30th!

Thank you and enjoy,
(Marley's teacher)

So, Marley and Kristen came over tonight to put this thing together since... who takes all the pictures, who has them labeled with dates, when and where? And who would have lots of stickers, etc.! Grandma, the scrapbooker, of course.

We had fun doing it and I think it came out cute. Marley was happy with it!

Marley's timeline has 6 entries - her newborn picture in the Agawam newspaper, their move back home from Ohio, her 4 stitches over her eyebrow, getting their cat Sunny, her graduation from preschool, and buying their new home!


JANICE said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, that will be a hard act to follow. I bet her's will be the BEST ONE in the class...lol Looks like a mini scrapbook.

Linda L.

Cindy said...

Thank God for grandmothers!

We would never be without recorded memories. Great job for all involved.

Way to go!