Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ettie's visit with Dot, Day 1

My aunt Esther (I call her Ettie) came for a quick visit with Dot this weekend. She lives in Delaware, about 6 hours away, and doesn't make the drive by herself anymore, so her daughter-in-law Tammy brought her up.

Dot has been doing very well lately. She hasn't packed up her room or taken down her pictures in quite a while. when we got there she said she was all packed up to go home...and she was. Pictures off the wall, closet empty, bathroom toiletries packed up. I couldn't believe it. I felt so bad for Ettie; I wanted her to see how well Dot was adjusting.

It was fleeting, though. They came around to get them into the dining room for snack, and by the time snack was over, Tammy and I had put her whole room back together, and Dot never mentioned it again for the rest of the weekend.

My family has always been known for being loud. Even when I was a kid my grandmother would go around shutting the windows in the summer because "what are the neighbors going to think." When my aunts and my father get together, we are loud. This evening during sing-a-long, we all got laughing because my dad and Esther were really getting into singing, but they couldn't hear the music well and were a couple of beats ahead of the music, which made the rest of us laugh. I think we were the entertainment for the whole place!

It was a good day!


Eliza J said...

Your pictures and writing make me smile ~ Dot looks really good.

Linda L said...

I CAN'T BELIEVE Dot actually had her whole room all packed up and ready to go. WHAT A RIOT !!!! You just must never quite know what you will find when you get there, huh? lol