Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Today I spent a good part of the day with my (ex)co-worker Leslee. She needed to have a little procedure done at Noble Hospital and I brought her. My other (ex)co-worker, Liz, met us there. While Leslee was being worked on, we had break with the girls that we have had break with for 14 years (!) and I also had lunch with my lunch buddies. It was bittersweet. It was good to see everyone, but also a bit sad. I have such mixed feelings. I actually like being home, but then again, I miss the people. I guess only time will help.


janice said...

Take it from one who knows, it won't take long before it doesn't bother you to be at Noble. I had to take Doris there 2 weeks ago and I didn't like it one bit. Retirement is great. The secret is not to get bored. When you and Leslee go out again, call me.

Eliza J said...

Nice picture of Leslee ~ good to know I can look here for memories of the "way we were".