Tuesday, April 14, 2009

104/365 - Fun day off from work

I had the day off from work today because I have to work on Saturday. We had wanted to go kayaking but this morning it was only about 35 degrees and the weather was supposed to be partly cloudy, so we decided to go for a ride instead. In Amherst, New Hampshire there was a scrapbook store that I used to like, and nearby a used book store, and we (mostly me) decided to go there and check them out. To my dismay both of the stores were out of business :(. We had a good time anyhow. We went to the LL Bean Outlet store, and got meatball grinders and ate them at an airport for little planes. It was quite a busy place; in the 45 or so minutes we were there we saw at least 25 take offs and landings.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Bummer, bummer about the stores.

You, however, always find a way to add spice to your day.

Interesting ways to flavor a day away.