Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday! The weather was sunny but cool. The day started with Kris, Toby and Marley coming over before church for Marley's Easter basket and pictures. After church, they went to Uncle Eddie's for dinner with Toby's family (so sad, the first Easter without Auntie Sue). Present for dinner at my house - Fred, Dot, Mark and Janelle, Stacia and Amy. Kristen, Toby, and Marley came for dessert. I took pictures of Mark and Janelle for the baby shower, and we gave them the carriage that Kris and I bought for the shower. (It was easier to give it to them now than have to bring it to Worcester for the shower). These are some pictures from the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really nice pictures....EVERYONE looks soooo happy !!!!

Linda L