Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kayaking at Lake Mashapaug

The first kayaking of the season is always so exciting. Today was such a beautiful day, high 80's. The water was cold but the air was so warm. My friend Barbara at work first told me about this lake. Her ex-husband's family had a lake house here and she was always talking about how beautiful the lake is. The house has now been torn down and re-built (much to her dismay). There is a picture of it below. We saw a mamma Canadian goose sitting on a nest on a little island - that was a treat. She was a little nervous to see us so close, but she didn't budge.

I can't believe this is our 6th season of kayaking already; I really love it. When I was a kid there was a swamp down at the end of my street. I always wanted to go down there but I wasn't allowed to. Sometimes I would sneak down there. There was a makeshift boat in the water and I always wanted to get in it and try to paddle it. Sometimes I think about that when I'm out on the water; about how I'm so lucky now to be able to kayak and see such beautiful nature.

1 comment:

Doreen said...

Debbie thanks for the pictures I could never go out so I love to see everything through your eyes.