Friday, April 24, 2009

114/365 - Girls Ministries Princess Sleepover

Tonight Marley and I went to the Princess Sleepover at our church. Last year was the first year and it was such a success that they decided to do it again. It is a whole night of pampering for girls (kindergarten to 8th grade)with pedicures, manicures, facials, jewelery making, a tea party, and Princess movie to end the evening. I went with Marley last year and stayed until about 10 o'clock. This year, since I am one of the Prim leaders, I got to sleep over (actually anyone who wants to help out can sleep over). So...Pat (the other Prim leader) and I were on feet duty. First, they soaked in foot baths, then we creamed and massaged their feet (!?!) and then painted their toes. I must have done at least 10-15 feet, 3 hours without a break! I have no pictures of this, since I didn't have time to take them. The picture for today is of Marley having her tea at the tea party (she actually hated the tea and asked me for water). All in all, although exhausting for all concerned, it was a fun, memorable night.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Sounds like a great girls night out of pampering. Hope the girls really appreciated all the time, thought and energy that went into this event.
There will be many cherished memories from this, I'm sure. Marley looks like a beautiful Princess from all the love that went into this. Someday, I'll probably be joining in with Kailey . . . scary - about 4 more years to go!