Monday, December 13, 2010

347/365 - Another Monday night at the mall....

We met Mark and Mason at the mall tonight. When we got there, Kris, Toby and Marley were there too. It's a good thing the seating area in Borders wasn't very crowded; we basically took it over. Kris, Toby and Marley came to get Marley's glasses fixed; they didn't stay too long.

Mason just loves to be let loose there. He just takes off. I wonder if he would notice if none of us were following him.

He spotted these. "Balls", he said. LOL

Janelle and I went shopping for boots for Mason. He didn't like getting his feet measured, and when they put the boots on him, it was like he was stuck to the floor. I wanted to get a picture of him walking in the new boots, but he wouldn't walk. Finally I picked him up to get him started and Janelle snapped this picture. He is just too cute!

He has a new snowsuit and new boots. Let the snow begin.


Liz said...

Mason doesn't look too happy........and, whoever took the picture, did a great job!

Linda L said...

He must feel like he is in clodhoppers after his sneakers.