Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Back to the mall

Believe it or not it was back to the mall tonight; this time with just Paul and Mason. There were some things that I didn't get the night before. Luckily, Mason loves the mall. He had another meatball grinder (hey, at least he eats it), we took a walk by Santa and watched him for awhile, we looked at a motorcycle at the mall that was being raffled off, we walked around the toy store again and I did my errands. In the toy store we played with the Jack in the Box for awhile. He got so excited waiting for it to pop up.

and wanted to do it himself...

Janelle told me the night before that Mason loves riding in the little cars now. I asked him tonight if he wanted to ride in the "Bob the Builder" bulldozer at Babies R Us. He said yes, climbed right up onto it, knew where to put the quarters, but....
as soon as it started to go he dropped to his knees and wanted to get off. I tried to reassure him but in the end took him off and we watched the ride go without him!! Too funny.

Two nights in a row at the mall at Christmas time is exhausting!!

1 comment:

Eliza J said...

Re-posting....those darn typos! I was saying that the Jack in a Box is such a timeless toy, do they still play Pop Goes the Weasel?