Thursday, December 15, 2011


One of the best things about having an iPhone is the apps. The Instagram app lets you take a picture, put different filters on it, and then either e-mail it or send it to Twitter or Facebook right from your phone.

Yesterday I was at Kris and Toby's cleaning and I couldn't resist taking a picture of their fireplace all decorated for Christmas. It looked so pretty. I had to sit on their couch to get far enough away to take the picture and their cat Sunny made it nearly impossible. He jumped on my lap and kept getting right in front of the camera, LOL! I was going to call Kristen and ask if she minded me posting her fireplace on Facebook, but before I knew it, it had already posted. I guess I need to learn Instagram a little more! Good thing she didn't mind!

Anyhow, when I got home I got involved in ways to digitally scrapbook Instagram pictures and found a template just for Instagram pictures. Mark, Mason and Big Baba were here for the evening, and after they left I started trying to do the digital template. Would you believe I worked on it until 3 a.m. Paul fell asleep in his chair early on, or he would have figured it out a lot faster than that!

This is what I did with my first Instagram pictures.

Cool, although not worth staying up until 3 a.m.; hopefully I can remember what I did the next time I do it.


**MIGNONNE** said...

So cool! I have hipstamatic for my phone but this instagram is awesome. I love the collage you made. I also saw some magnets that you can get printed/made with instagram. Now I want both LOL!

Debbie said...

Thanks Mignonne, I'm having a lot of fun with this app! I'll have to check out the magnets.