Friday, December 9, 2011

The Gospel According to Scrooge

Tonight Paul, Marley and I went to Evangel Assembly in Wilbraham to see the performance of The Gospel According to Scrooge. Oh my goodness it was wonderful. I don't know what I was expecting, but it exceeded anything I thought it would be. The acting and singing was all so professional! We were talking to some people we know from the church that were in it afterwards and they said that they start practicing in March for this (this is at least the second year that they have done this).

What a fun night! I hope they do this again next year.

If you get a chance, it is so worth it to go see it. They are doing it twice this Saturday and once on Sunday (click above on The Gospel According to Scrooge).


Linda L said...

Deb, Ralph and I took Katie, Jordan, Justin Magistry and Katie's friend Devan to see it tonight (Sat.) I totally agree with you. It was so perfect you would think they were professional performers. Carl told me that Fri. night looked like Bethany night there.

Linda L said...

Deb, did they have door prizes when you were there on Fri. night?? Believe it or not I won a gift card for Outback. I couldn't believe my name was drawn.

Eliza J said...

Very interesting, I've never heard of that. Sounds like fun!