This picture is of a "thing" (not sure what it's called) that is inside the employee's entrance where I work. It's very old. It has the names of doctors on the long button type things. The doctors are supposed to push their name button as they walk in the door. The name lights up and lets the telephone operator know that they are in the hospital. When I first started working here, some of the doctors still used it. Now, no one uses it. Some of the doctors have retired, and some have passed away. The telephone operator says the remaining doctors don't want to use it. But, the "thing" is still there. Some day, someone will take it out during some kind of remodeling. As you probably know, I like old things, so I decided that I needed a picture of it. For posterity.
P.S. Some time this winter (2010) didn't Engineering come and take the "thing" out. They filled up the hole in the wall, plastered over it. They still haven't papered that spot, so it just sits there; a big plaster square. I sure am glad I took that picture!