Tonight we finally had the "Five Birthdays" party. It starts in August with Fred and ends in September with me. In between are Kris, Mark, and Janelle. We used to have Dot's at the same time but she is not so interested in birthday parties anymore, so Paul and I celebrate hers separately. This year it seemed difficult to find a time that was good for everyone. We finally decided on this Friday night, although Janelle had to work. Luckily, she was able to get out a little early and joined us later. Toby brought and cooked steaks for us, which were wonderful, and we had ice cream cake for dessert. It was a little chaotic, which is basically "normal" for us, but in the end the candles were on the cake, the birthday song was sung, and cards and presents were given.
Happy Birthday Fred, Kris, Mark, Janelle, and Deb!