Meet witch Marley and peapod Mason. It was a spookily warm, drizzly and windy Halloween night. There were not many trick-or-treaters out on our street tonight, in fact, while we were out we were about the only ones out there. It was almost as if we had the wrong night, except for the fact that all of our neighbors handed out candy! Mason probably wondered what in the world he was doing out in the rain with two people with pointed funny hats (Big Baba bought Marley a beautiful witch's hat at a craft fair, full of beautiful flowers and ribbons, and so I agreed to wear the hat that came with her costume). It was a fun family night, although I felt bad that Mark had to work and couldn't be there for Mason's first time trick-or-treating!
You know, Linda, you are right (see comment), I actually thought later that I should have added the picture of both Marley and I with our hats on. So here it is: