Since Halloween fell on a Sunday this year, we decided to make a celebration of it. Stacia, Bill, and Amy joined us for dinner. I felt bad that Mark had to work. When it started to get dark we got ready. We were a little worried that Mason wouldn't like being in his costume (especially the hat). He didn't mind it a bit!
Amy dressed up as an M&M, Marley was an Indian, and Mason was a blue monster.
It was pretty chilly out, but we were dressed for it, except for Marley. She didn’t want anything over (or under) her costume. We always say that she runs warm anyway!
Mason did not like the little ghost we have outside!
We had quite a time keeping him focused on walking from house to house. I would love to know what he thought; all of us out walking in the dark. He would have been perfectly happy walking up the driveways and looking at the cars. “Car” he would say as he walked over to pat it. It’s a good thing my neighborhood is not too big; 26 houses, and we only went to the neighbors that I knew.
Amy collected Mason’s candy for him, and when we got back she and Marley looked over their stash.
We had such a fun time tonight; we sure did laugh a lot!