Hurricane Irene blew into our area last Sunday. Luckily our particular area did not have too much damage. All of the weather channels were really talking it up to be a really bad storm, high winds,flooding, etc. You can read about it here.
Vermont was one of the hardest hit areas in New England. You can read about that here.
Today Paul and I decided to go for a ride and check things out. We took back roads through Western Massachusetts. We had to re-route twice and never did get very far into Vermont. All the roads were closed. Parts of Brattleboro were a real mess, streams flooded, roads buckled, mud everywhere. Sam's Outdoors Outfitters had their basement flooded and lost thousands of dollars in shoes.
On Rt. 9 in Brattleboro Channel 22 News was there reporting.
We have had such weird weather this summer, from the tornado in June, to a microburst a week or two later, to an earthquake in August and now the hurricane.
Here are some pictures that I took, although they did not do justice to what it was really like.
This is Littleville Dam. Although it was nowhere near flood stage, the road that goes down to the lake was totally flooded.
Knightsville Dam. Still not at flood stage but usually in the summer it is just a stream. Note the debris.
Road in Brattleboro, VT
Channel 22 reporting
These next few pictures are from the Green River Park, or as I call it, the Greenfield Pool. This was a place I used to go to frequently with my grandfather and my cousins. My grandfather's brother lived in Greenfield and we used to come here a lot with him.
The water had bent over the iron fence and there was mud everywhere, on both sides of the road.
This is where my grandfather's house used to be, across the street from the golf course, which was flooded. They moved all the golf carts here.
We came across a little door in our travels. I can't remember exactly where this was, but I'll remember eventually.
***Note - today I decided to begin, in addition to my little doors, another series of pictures.
With all the talk of the Postal Service maybe closing some of the post offices, I decided to take pictures of the post offices that we encounter in our journeys.
Today we went by the Brattleboro, VT post office
and the Deerfield, MA post office.