This week when we took Dot out for a ride we were driving on Stony Hill Rd. in Wilbraham and Paul said that he would love to know exactly where the boy scout camp was that the Royal Rangers used for their Father/Son Campouts. He knew that it was somewhere on Stony Hill Rd. and so we set out to find it and take pictures of it. I wanted to show the pictures to my son Mark and see if he recognized it at all.
We found it and I got out to take some pictures. Paul recognized the building and the grounds. I'm not sure how many times Paul and Mark went here, but I found pictures from 1982 and 1983. Mark would have been 8 and 9. Paul thinks it was the first time they went that he made a walking stick. He cut down a small tree and started whittling it. Long after the campout was over, he was still putting polyurethane varnish on it to fill in the cracks. He still uses it.
These are a few of the pictures I have.
1982 - Mark is in the middle.
Mark is on the right. The bunks were built right onto the wall, three high all around the room.
Mark is the boy standing.
1983 - Mark is in the front row, fourth from the left.
Mark is the kid looking at the camera.
I hope Mark has good memories of those weekends. I know Paul does.
This is the walking stick Paul made. He still uses it (this picture was taken in 2010).
These are the pictures that we took of the boy scout camp that we took this week. Does it look familiar to you Mark?