Poor Minnie. On Tuesday she had surgery - her womanly parts came out along with her fingernails. She came home on Wednesday afternoon and has hardly walked at all. Last night I fed her on the couch because I was afraid she wouldn't walk to her dish before Izzy ate it on her. It worked! She ate her whole dish right on the couch. This morning she ate on the hassock.
Usually the cats only get fed in the morning, but I want to make sure Minnie gets her strength back (I can see your eyes rolling!!) so they have been getting fed twice a day (I can't feed Minnie without feeding Izzy). Tonight Minnie was sitting in her bed in the window and I put the food on the back of the couch(yes, those are blankets on the couch - her stitches are still a little bloody). When she finished, guess who had to lick the bowl? Yeah, I'd say we have spoiled cats!
Yiiiiiikes ...a Histerectomy and a manicure all at the same time.....Unheard of...LOLOL
Poor Thing
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