My dad has been in the hospital for a few days and today Kristen and I went to visit him. We got talking about old pictures and this picture came up. It is a picture of my dad and my aunt "Ettie". Maybe he is making that weird face because of the socks he was wearing!
This has been a strange week, a week of reflection. I hope he's going to be okay.
Deb, what is wrong with your Dad???????
Linda, he has had emphysema for a few years. This fall/winter he had a cold that he couldn't seem to get rid of. The doctor wanted to do a bronchoscopy and get a biopsy. During the procedure, they punctured his lung (I guess it's common during this procedure, especially with emphysema as the tissues are swollen). His lung collapsed and they had to put in a chest tube. He's doing much better now. He gets the results of his biopsy Thursday. Please say a little prayer.
Oh My Goodness, Deb. You go into the hospital with one thing and come out with something else. It is scarey going into the hospital now-a-days. Never heard of this years ago. You always just trusted your doctor. Of course you had a family doctor back then and you knew and trusted him because he knew you. Now....you don't even know who you will have if you need one.
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