Another Thanksgiving. It seems like this year just flew by. Today was a good day.
Mason arrived with a turkey hat that he had made at Junie's (daycare). I don't know where Junie gets her energy but she always has something cute for the kids during the holidays.
Marley is always asking me to tell her stories from when "Mommy and Uncle Mark" were little. This week I was telling her about the hats that they wore one Thanksgiving. This picture was at my grandmother's house. It was 1977, so Kristen was 5 and in Kindergarten, and Mark was 3 and in preschool. Wow, that seems like so long ago.
We had
Thanksgiving dinner from Memo's for the second year and everyone agreed that it was really good; a new tradition has definitely been made.
Izzy was very interested in our dinner when Paul brought it home.
It comes ready to heat up, with instructions on how long to heat everything and at what temperature. What can be easier than that?
There were 13 of us here for dinner including me, Paul, Dot, Big Baba, Kris, Toby, Marley, Mark, Janelle, Mason, my father, Stacia and Amy (Janelle's mother and sister).
Dot and my Dad.
This was the first time that Dot has been to my house since going to the Atrium and she was great. She was happy, social and interacting, and she stayed until 6:30, way after dark which she hasn't wanted to do for the last few years.
After dinner Mason, Marley and Mark (!?!) had a tea party. Mason loves the little Dora tea party set that Marley has at my house. Marley usually will play with this with him but today was special having Mark play too!
How come the men get to relax after dinner?
Poor Amy wasn't feeling good today.
I know this isn't a good picture but it cracks me up. Kristen called this the "technology room" - everyone was on some sort of computer, even my father! Too much.
Marley actually went home with Stacia and Amy tonight. Stacia invited her to make Christmas cookies with her on Friday.
We had a good day. I have a lot to be thankful for this year.