For Christmas, Marley got a couple of "bugs" in her stocking. She brought the smaller one over on Christmas Day and Paul was really taken with this bug. The cats liked it too. Over the next week he bought several of them. People at work had him buying them. It was unbelievable! All they are is a little battery with a bug body over it. The vibration of the battery makes it move.
Today Paul put two of them on the floor and I decided to try to take a picture of the cats with them. I think they are a little afraid of them. Here are some pictures.
One of the bugs went under the dry sink.
This is Paul and the cats trying to see the bug.
Paul eventually "helped" the bug get out with a yardstick, and this is how it came out, still running - Ha Ha!!
At first, Mason was afraid of the bugs. He would have nothing to do with them. Now he likes to look at them but he still won't touch him.
We were babysitting for him for a couple of hours today. Mason got a new Lego table recently (that Marks says is now their coffee table - LOL!) It has a square in the middle that comes off with a net underneath to hold Legos.
Mason and I played with the bugs on the table. We started off with just one bug on an empty table,
but eventually we had both bugs and roadblocks all around the table to keep the bugs from getting off. Those sneaky little bugs kept going right through the roadblocks. Mason just squealed with delight when then fell off! Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of the roadblocks.
I just love this age. He is so much fun!