Friday, August 10, 2012

Last Day of VBS

Today was the last day of VBS. One of the other teachers that I used to work with asked me if I wanted to go to lunch with her and her granddaughter. Marley and I had given her cousin Zach a ride home every day so he came with us too. We were babysitting for Mason that afternoon and Paul picked him up and they also joined us there.

Tonight was the closing rally of VBS and I have to say that I was actually sad that it was over. I will really miss the kids in my crew. Yes, I'm tired but it's a good tired. I will definitely do it next year!


Linda L said...

You know good as it has been for Marley for you to take her to everything she has been involved in at church, it sounds like you have gotten just as much out of it as she has. :0)

Debbie said...

You're right Lin!