Thursday, October 18, 2012

Throwback Thursday - Hoosac Tunnel

Paul and I have been trying to take a foliage ride this Fall, with the SUN OUT.  It has yet to happen.  Whenever we have the time, it is either cloudy and/or raining.  Our plan today was to go to the Catskills.  The day started out cloudy, with 90% chance of rain later on in the day.  So, instead of taking such a long trip, we decided to take a short ride because, even with the clouds out, the trees were still pretty. 

We took a ride through Savoy Mountain State Forest, and we ended up in the vicinity of the Hoosac Tunnel.  The tunnel is almost five miles long.  It was started in 1851 and finished in 1874.

In 1993 Paul was really into researching the first attempt to drill a hole through the mountain for the Hoosac Tunnel.  This is a picture of what remains of a hole that they tried to make using a 24 foot diameter boring machine which got stuck and was unsuccessful.  Eventually they created the tunnel using nitroglycerine and pneumatic drills.

We had a mission to find the east end, the west end, the central shaft, and the west shaft of the tunnel.  The shafts were used during construction, and the central shaft is still used for ventilation of the tunnel.  We spent many Saturdays exploring all around the area.  The hardest one to find was the west shaft, as it was basically just a hole in the ground in the woods.

Today we found the central shaft again, and also the east end.  It was amazing to me that we had a hard time finding them, when we had spent so much time around them. was 19 years ago, and we are getting older, ha ha!  We ran out of time to find the other two.  That's for another ride!

Pictures from 1993

Central Shaft

East Portal

West Shaft
West Shaft with fence around it

West Portal


Anonymous said...

All the property surrounding the West shaft is posted and there are houses everywhere down by the road. Some of those houses look like they don't call 911. I stumbled upon it today by accident. Observe that you can't go anywhere these days with out trespassing or doing something against the law.

Anonymous said...

I stumbled my way to the west portal about 20 years ago. Not easy to reach. Nothing would have gotten me to walk into that tunnel.