Thursday, February 28, 2013

Throwback Thursday - I love these women

We all have people in our lives that we feel have been influential.  That's how I feel about these three women.

This is another one of my aunt Dot's slides and, again, I remember them talking about how this was at a bridal shower for "Alliree Eide."  She was the daughter of one of the pastors of our church. 

In this picture, left to right is Lucille Choquette (I wrote about her funeral here), Jennie Lockerby, and Daisy DiLorenzo.  There were all mothers of girlfriends that I had growing up.  I spent time in all of their houses.  Most importantly, they were all role models when I was young, and friends when I got older. 


Linda said...

OH MY WORD...lololol What a riot to see these pictures !!!!!! MY GOODNESS, Mandy Sunny looks exactly like Lucille.

Debbie said...

Hey Lin, can you ask your Mom if she remembers whose house this shower was in?

Linda said...

LOLOL...I was just getting ready to ask you the same I will ask her when she gets home.